Browse our range of Adjustable Beds

Bee Mobile are able to offer a range of Adjustable profiling beds to suite every need and every pocket.

We supply beds from the top Manufactures like Rise & Recline & One Rehab.

To accompany these quality beds we also have a range of Mattresses, from Pocket sprung to Full Memory Foam. The choice of mattress is important to your well being and the enjoyment of your new Adjustable bed.

Below you will find a selection of beds from all our manufactures, beds are available in a range of widths from 2.3" to 4.6" in single and up to 6ft wide with each side operating independently so each person can set there own side to suit.

The possibilities are endless in bed size, mattresses and you can even choose the covering of the bed and headboard / foot board to match your decor. Please give us a ring or request a brochure as we are unable to cover all the possibilities on this page.

!We only sell Quality beds from named brands made in the uk or Europe!